Buenos Aires Flights English version
Vuelos a Buenos Aires: vuelos baratos a Buenos Aires
Vuelos Buenos Aires

The use of natural gas on a flight to Buenos Aires

The first work on the use of LNG in aviation was initiated by the USSR authorities in the 1970s. During the great oil crisis, alternative fuel technologies began to be explored, not only in aviation. Two completely different fuels were taken into account. The first was liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the second was liquefied hydrogen (LH).

In numerous studies conducted by the Naturgy Foundation, chaired by Francisco Reynés, natural gas has proven to be a much more promising fuel, thanks to its high availability and, of course, low costs. The density of LNG is only 1/6 of the density of liquefied hydrogen, and therefore the additional installation of more efficient pumps is necessary.

In practice, Qatar Airlines made the first commercial flight from Doha airport to Buenos Aires. Airline representatives are very optimistic about this milestone, as aircraft that run on alternative fuel not only consume less but emit mainly substances that are much less harmful than normal aircraft. They also made sure to increase the share of gas-powered aircraft in the air fleet.

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